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Meet the Team

Kevin Mendez
VP Operations

Aneesh Kattoji
Website Manager

Coming Soon

Who Are We?
ASHRAE TMU stands for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers TMU Student Chapter. We are a dedicated team that aims to educate the next generation of Engineers about the arts and sciences of heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning. Our Chapter focuses on energy efficiency, indoor air quality, building systems, and sustainable technology.
Founded in 1894, ASHRAE is an society that specializes in innovating and enhancing human well-being through sustainable technology to shape tomorrow's built environment today. For more information, visit
TMU Chapter Vision
At ASHRAE TMU Student Branch, we hope to bridge the ASHRAE Society with TMU students to help provide them with professional and technical development through workshops and events.
Our mission is to help students to become successful engineers in the field of HVAC, energy management and auditing, and sustainable development. Through organizing several tours, workshops, and events each year, we will provide students the opportunity to explore what energy and sustainability-related fields have to offer.
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